The guidebook covering all the sport climbing in the area

Céüse: Sport Climbing Guidebook


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The guidebook covering all the sport climbing in the area, has been completely revised and updated since the previous edition came out in 2013. The development of new routes has been constantly going on. Therefore, new routes have been opened in existing sectors such as Grand Face and Nitshapa. In addition, 2 completely new sectors are now available in the book: Plein Sud and Papillon. In total, more than 200 new routes can be found in the guidebook compared to the previous version. This new guidebook is another great contribution to the constant development of sport climbing in one of the world’s best sport climbing areas.

  •  2018
  •  Rolland Marie, Laurent Girousse
  •  Self-published
  •  French, English
  •  148
  •  A5, Soft cover
  •  Vertical-Life/Free download


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